I have a story to tell about


This is a story of a corrupt U.S. Attorney, John Alderman and two corrupt Assistant U.S. Attorneys, Richard Pierce and Thomas Bondurandt.  These men conspired with DEA Agent, Donald Lincoln to create their own smuggling operation with General Noriega. They had the plane and pilot and General Noriega’s help but they needed someone to take the fall for their crimes. That is why they formed a joint federal state task force, to target and frame a victim.

About the exhibits

I’m Carl Warmack.

This is a story of a scheme planned and carried out by a corrupt Roanoke Virginia U.S. Attorney, John Alderman, Assistant U.S. Attorney, Richard Pierce, (my prosecutor)  Assistant U.S. Attorney, Thomas Bondurandt and DEA Agent Donald Lincoln. Their plan was to use their government plane and pilot to smuggle drugs into the United States and share the drugs with General Noriega. After Pierce and Lincoln had smuggled the drugs, they arrested and framed ten men for their crime.  At trial, Pierce withheld a tape recording of him, Lincoln, the “informant” and Pierce’s task force planning this smuggling operation. This recording was made months prior to the time testified to by Lincoln as the beginning of the investigation. On this recording the so called “informant” told the Pierce and Lincoln that he had no knowledge of any of the defendants ever having any drug involvement. The prosecutor and DEA agent then made proposals to create their smuggling operation. Pierce withheld this and other critical information so he could present a false story to the jury about the informant leading the DEA to a large smuggling ring. The DEA agent testified that the smugglers then ask him to smuggle drugs. There was no smuggling ring and none of the ten men knew the drug supplier. Ten men were wrongfully convicted and served almost 100 years in prison for the prosecutor’s crime. One man died in prison. Millions of dollars in assets were wrongfully seized and families destroyed because of this corruption. There is more exculpatory material being withheld by the government who refuses to produce it. The government has never responded to these allegations.

Case # CR-86-00028-10-R.

Direct Appeal Gov. Statement of Facts

The corrupt prosecutor’s case description to the Court of Appeals.

Direct Appeal Opinion

Court of Appeals Opinion of the case. (The corrupt prosecutor withheld all information about their year long Task Force investigation that was done prior to December 1985.) The Court and Court of Appeals were unaware of the withheld reports and tapes.

Court has never seen tape recording or 47 pg report

How can a Court give an opinion on material they have never seen?

Transponder placed on 2929L, Olga Thrasher visited my home, Prosecutor and Olga cooperating

The corrupt Prosecutor’s Task Force placed tracking device on my aircraft almost a year before they testified their investigation began.

Roanoker magazine article “The Big Bust”

DEA Agent Lincoln gives a false and wildly exaggerated self-heroic explanation of the case.

Olga Thrasher debriefed with my trial lawyer present

Olga Thrasher knew a friend of mine and came to my house with another informant in a failed attempt to involve me with drugs. The Prosecutor debriefed her concerning me and had her call me in May 1985 in another attempt. She was debriefed and questioned several times about me by state and federal task force agents. Her lawyer was Keith Neely. Neely also represented me at trial and I was unaware she had been used by the Prosecutor to try and falsely accuse me. She was debriefed by Donald Lincoln with my lawyer, Keith Neely, present. When Olga Thrasher failed to set me up, she was used to bust a drug person she knew, Doug Griffin. Griffin was given my phone number and immediately began trying to make a false case against me.

Prosecutor’s affidavit and motion to strike it

Prosecutor’s Affidavit swearing he had no knowledge of the tape recording. He later filed a motion to strike that Affidavit. (He made the recording)

Lincoln’s false testimony about the beginning of the investigation

D.E.A. Agent, Donald Lincoln testified that the investigation began in December 1985. Undisclosed documents and the undisclosed tape recording prove he was involved in the Joint Task Force attempts to involve me with drugs almost a year prior to that.

Pen register placed on my phone

A pen register was placed on my phone in July 1985. No affidavit for that was ever disclosed.

Transcript of undisclosed task force recording of 8/28/1985

After at least eight months of failed attempts to involve me with drugs, Pierce had his frustrated Task Force meet in Roanoke Virginia on 8/28/1985, four months prior to the time testified as the beginning of their investigation. Numerous State and Federal agents from Florida and Virginia attended. The meeting was “about Carl Warmack”. The person they interviewed was Doug Griffin. Doug Griffin told the Task Force he did not really know me but had seen me a couple times at a friend’s house. He told them he had no knowledge of me ever having any type of drug involvement. The Prosecutor and DEA then ask him how they could involve me with drugs. They suggested offering me an airplane to fly drugs.

If you can help with this case
Contact Me

Due to the prosecutorial misconduct in this case, my conviction should be overturned. I do not seek revenge, I seek justice.